Suppressing Rosetta output, flag for that?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Suppressing Rosetta output, flag for that?

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    • #884

        Is there an argument flag that will suppress Rosetta output? Even better, one that will suppress all but errors?


      • #5491
        • #5493

            To add to what Steven said above, there is also options to mute/unmute channels by level (Debug/Normal/Warning/Error). You can set the overall level with the -out:level flag, which takes a numeric level (0 – fatal, 100 – error, 200 – warning, 300 – info, 400 – debug, 500 – trace). Also, in addition to the -out:mute/-out:unmute flags, there are -out:mute_warning/-out:unmute_warning and -out:unmute_error with the same syntax.

          • #5494

              Great, thank you both.

            • #5495

                Your answers are so much more complete compared to mine – I guess you’re using the verbose flag…

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