Using 2 non-standard residues in one run

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    • #818

        How do I identify two ligand residue type files? I’m docking two proteins, each with a prosthetic group that’s near the docking interface. I’ve created the residue type files. I can only get it to recognize one of the two residues, whether I use -extra_res_fa [They’re both in the same dir], or whether I use two -extra_res_fa statements, or if I string the full path & file names of both files after the -extra_res_fa statement. A while back, someone explained to me that I can also put the .params files into rosetta_database/chemical/residue_type_sets/fa_standard/residue_types & add the appropriate lines to the file residue_types.txt. Well, I tried that. No go. When I went back to the -extra_res_fa flag, I got an error message that ‘residue type names must be unique’ or something close to it. So it’s sort of recognizing I put something in there, even if it refuses to use it. I renamed the edited residue_types.txt file & moved the original back in place, but I’m still stuck.

        Yes, I should probably upgrade to 3.2, but I REALLY need this to run. After that, I can think about it.


      • #5140

          -extra_res_fa file1 file2 ought to work. I think your problem is “I got an error message that ‘residue type names must be unique'”.

          What are your residue names? You can just attach the params files if you wish.

        • #5142

            I think that your ligands are named the same in the params and protein file. The default residue name is LG1. Open your params file and rename the name and the IO_STRING line to a different name than LG1. Also, you need to edit your pdb file so that it corresponds to the changed name in your params file. Alternatively, you can run with the flag -n <3 letter name> to create the params file and pdb file with different names.

            I have attached a documentation file on the parameters file for your reference. This file was created for the purpose of the Rosetta Workshop. This article along with full tutorials on several applications will be made public next week on the Meiler Lab website.

          • #5145

              The bizarre thing is that in a Rosetta relax job I was doing about a month ago, I had two substrates for that protein & used the -extra_res_fa flag just like it’s used below & it was just fine…
              Here’s the command file: /opt/rosetta/rosetta_source/bin/docking_protocol.linuxgccdebug @flag3 > dockingHNbHEM.log
              Here’s flag3: -in
              -s cytHNbhems.pdb
              # the input file should have two single, complete chains A and B
              # for Ab molecules (with L+H chains) use -docking::partners flag below
              -database /opt/rosetta/rosetta_database/
              # customize this to point to your installation directory
              -extra_res_fa /home/newhojs/Desktop/RosettaParams/HEC.params /home/newhojs/Desktop/RosettaParams/HEM.params
              -dock_pert 45 10
              # rotates partner1 (chain A) before docking proteins together
              # rotates partner2 (chain B) before docking proteins together
              -partners AD_BE
              # defines docking partners by ChainID; see manual
              -nstruct 1000
              # this should be set to a large number for effective sampling
              # reduces copious output, without overdoing as with -mute all
              -o dockHNbHEM
              # scorefile will be named (or .fasc for fullatom)
              # fullatom is commented out for fast low-res "centroid mode" run

              Here’s the error message:
              ERROR: switch_to_residue_type_set fails

              ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/chemical/ line: 573
              docking_protocol.linuxgccdebug: src/utility/ void utility::exit(const std::string&, int, const std::string&, int): Assertion `false' failed.
              ./command3: line 1: 9961 Aborted /opt/rosetta/rosetta_source/bin/docking_protocol.linuxgccdebug @flag3 > dockingHNbHEM.log

              Here’s the params files: NAME HEC
              IO_STRING HEC Z
              TYPE LIGAND
              AA UNK
              ATOM FE1 Fe3p X 3.03
              ATOM N1 Npro X -0.34
              ATOM C5 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C1 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C30 CH1 X -0.06
              ATOM N4 Nhis X -0.50
              ATOM C27 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C4 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C23 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM N3 Npro X -0.34
              ATOM C20 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C3 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C16 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM N2 Nhis X -0.50
              ATOM C13 CH1 X -0.06
              ATOM C2 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C8 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C7 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C6 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C10 CH2 X -0.15
              ATOM C11 CH2 X -0.15
              ATOM C12 COO X 0.65
              ATOM O1 OOC X -0.73
              ATOM O2 OOC X -0.73
              ATOM H10 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H11 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H8 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H9 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM C9 CH3 X -0.24
              ATOM H5 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H6 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H7 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H2 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM C14 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C15 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C18 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C19 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM H15 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM H16 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM C17 CH3 X -0.24
              ATOM H12 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H13 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H14 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H3 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM C21 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C22 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C25 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C26 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM H20 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM H21 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM C24 CH3 X -0.24
              ATOM H17 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H18 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H19 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H4 Haro X 0.15
              ATOM C28 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C29 aroC X -0.08
              ATOM C32 CH2 X -0.15
              ATOM C33 CH2 X -0.15
              ATOM C34 COO X 0.65
              ATOM O3 OOC X -0.73
              ATOM O4 OOC X -0.73
              ATOM H27 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H28 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H25 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H26 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM C31 CH3 X -0.24
              ATOM H22 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H23 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H24 Hapo X 0.13
              ATOM H1 Haro X 0.15
              BOND FE1 N1
              BOND FE1 N2
              BOND FE1 N3
              BOND FE1 N4
              BOND C1 C5
              BOND C1 C30
              BOND C1 H1
              BOND C2 C8
              BOND C2 C13
              BOND C2 H2
              BOND C3 C16
              BOND C3 C20
              BOND C3 H3
              BOND C4 C23
              BOND C4 C27
              BOND C4 H4
              BOND N1 C5
              BOND N1 C8
              BOND C5 C6
              BOND C6 C7
              BOND C6 C10
              BOND C7 C8
              BOND C7 C9
              BOND C9 H5
              BOND C9 H6
              BOND C9 H7
              BOND C10 C11
              BOND C10 H8
              BOND C10 H9
              BOND C11 C12
              BOND C11 H10
              BOND C11 H11
              BOND C12 O1
              BOND C12 O2
              BOND N2 C13
              BOND N2 C16
              BOND C13 C14
              BOND C14 C15
              BOND C14 C17
              BOND C15 C16
              BOND C15 C18
              BOND C17 H12
              BOND C17 H13
              BOND C17 H14
              BOND C18 C19
              BOND C19 H15
              BOND C19 H16
              BOND N3 C20
              BOND N3 C23
              BOND C20 C21
              BOND C21 C22
              BOND C21 C24
              BOND C22 C23
              BOND C22 C25
              BOND C24 H17
              BOND C24 H18
              BOND C24 H19
              BOND C25 C26
              BOND C26 H20
              BOND C26 H21
              BOND N4 C27
              BOND N4 C30
              BOND C27 C28
              BOND C28 C29
              BOND C28 C31
              BOND C29 C30
              BOND C29 C32
              BOND C31 H22
              BOND C31 H23
              BOND C31 H24
              BOND C32 C33
              BOND C32 H25
              BOND C32 H26
              BOND C33 C34
              BOND C33 H27
              BOND C33 H28
              BOND C34 O3
              BOND C34 O4
              CHI 1 C7 C6 C10 C11
              CHI 2 C6 C10 C11 C12
              CHI 3 C10 C11 C12 O1
              CHI 4 C14 C15 C18 C19
              CHI 5 C21 C22 C25 C26
              CHI 6 C28 C29 C32 C33
              CHI 7 C29 C32 C33 C34
              CHI 8 C32 C33 C34 O3
              NBR_ATOM FE1
              NBR_RADIUS 10.143759
              ICOOR_INTERNAL FE1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 FE1 N1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N1 0.000000 180.000000 2.012319 FE1 N1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C5 0.000000 54.660379 1.354809 N1 FE1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C1 -6.586011 54.336681 1.388351 C5 N1 FE1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C30 -1.310092 53.026685 1.382496 C1 C5 N1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N4 3.178322 55.412187 1.351924 C30 C1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C27 179.766114 72.404581 1.391242 N4 C30 C1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C4 -176.689499 54.336456 1.380845 C27 N4 C30
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C23 4.664931 54.848053 1.388149 C4 C27 N4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N3 -1.669728 53.668239 1.369640 C23 C4 C27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C20 177.059072 71.957833 1.363982 N3 C23 C4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C3 170.758199 53.234986 1.381039 C20 N3 C23
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C16 -1.462604 54.270064 1.376272 C3 C20 N3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N2 3.883042 54.384569 1.357843 C16 C3 C20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C13 -178.983767 71.628173 1.358180 N2 C16 C3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C2 -172.138519 54.360913 1.389261 C13 N2 C16
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C8 -1.129188 53.920239 1.384769 C2 C13 N2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C7 174.605224 54.849541 1.401763 C8 C2 C13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C6 -177.898759 73.243228 1.398926 C7 C8 C2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C10 -177.559930 53.729009 1.519287 C6 C7 C8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C11 85.198696 71.021463 1.517462 C10 C6 C7
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C12 -173.456319 64.867780 1.524211 C11 C10 C6
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O1 -171.979796 61.079225 1.237515 C12 C11 C10
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O2 158.403086 61.882856 1.297187 C12 C11 O1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H10 120.032069 70.515699 1.090123 C11 C10 C12
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H11 119.956885 70.480445 1.090030 C11 C10 H10
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H8 119.996735 70.471162 1.089967 C10 C6 C11
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H9 120.008746 70.494171 1.089979 C10 C6 H8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C9 176.914383 54.004549 1.522841 C7 C8 C6
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H5 3.723533 70.477804 1.089658 C9 C7 C8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H6 119.978765 70.476813 1.090041 C9 C7 H5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H7 120.008948 70.488720 1.090153 C9 C7 H6
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H2 179.973424 66.079337 1.080212 C2 C13 C8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C14 179.283045 71.330991 1.396356 C13 N2 C2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C15 -7.996483 73.241231 1.409135 C14 C13 N2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C18 -174.144022 51.604030 1.530470 C15 C14 C13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C19 66.249405 67.869197 1.525260 C18 C15 C14
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H15 52.501275 60.032524 1.079934 C19 C18 C15
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H16 179.977649 60.007713 1.080212 C19 C18 H15
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C17 -179.182966 54.170936 1.522483 C14 C13 C15
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H12 179.991487 70.516233 1.090688 C17 C14 C13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H13 119.993531 70.506494 1.089482 C17 C14 H12
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H14 120.009324 70.505436 1.089913 C17 C14 H13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H3 179.985731 65.716502 1.080003 C3 C20 C16
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C21 -174.153583 70.710377 1.380147 C20 N3 C3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C22 8.315345 73.010494 1.388951 C21 C20 N3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C25 166.716274 53.501856 1.523677 C22 C21 C20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C26 59.214106 65.318506 1.519330 C25 C22 C21
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H20 54.464796 60.016730 1.080001 C26 C25 C22
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H21 -179.993054 59.968409 1.079877 C26 C25 H20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C24 172.117769 54.968887 1.513098 C21 C20 C22
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H17 179.998258 70.524320 1.090028 C24 C21 C20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H18 120.016568 70.516338 1.089789 C24 C21 H17
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H19 119.957354 70.491266 1.090404 C24 C21 H18
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H4 179.989447 65.160852 1.080262 C4 C27 C23
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C28 176.886626 70.605744 1.401498 C27 N4 C4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C29 -1.547204 73.299845 1.395281 C28 C27 N4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C32 -172.881452 53.916497 1.525714 C29 C28 C27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C33 99.249070 71.805494 1.528258 C32 C29 C28
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C34 -166.444495 63.796088 1.539529 C33 C32 C29
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O3 -14.435926 56.186929 1.229820 C34 C33 C32
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O4 -176.639275 63.168415 1.299301 C34 C33 O3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H27 119.990087 70.473804 1.089676 C33 C32 C34
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H28 120.014449 70.497209 1.090109 C33 C32 H27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H25 120.024250 70.520827 1.089913 C32 C29 C33
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H26 119.989436 70.497255 1.090408 C32 C29 H25
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C31 -176.288965 54.817664 1.522964 C28 C27 C29
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H22 -179.973158 70.482133 1.089832 C31 C28 C27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H23 119.984968 70.517008 1.089850 C31 C28 H22
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H24 119.966328 70.495184 1.089856 C31 C28 H23
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H1 -179.977731 59.974848 1.080253 C1 C5 C30

              I do know about LG1 --> something else:-)

              & here's HEM.params: NAME HEM
              IO_STRING HEM Z
              TYPE LIGAND
              AA UNK
              ATOM FE1 Fe3p X 3.02
              ATOM N1 Npro X -0.35
              ATOM C5 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C1 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C30 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM N4 Npro X -0.35
              ATOM C27 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C4 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C23 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM N3 Npro X -0.35
              ATOM C20 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C3 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C16 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM N2 Npro X -0.35
              ATOM C13 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C2 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C8 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C7 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C6 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C10 CH2 X -0.16
              ATOM C11 CH2 X -0.16
              ATOM C12 COO X 0.64
              ATOM O1 OOC X -0.74
              ATOM O2 OOC X -0.74
              ATOM H10 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H11 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H8 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H9 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM C9 CH3 X -0.25
              ATOM H5 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H6 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H7 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H2 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM C14 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C15 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C18 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C19 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM H16 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM H17 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM H15 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM C17 CH3 X -0.25
              ATOM H12 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H13 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H14 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H3 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM C21 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C22 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C25 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C26 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM H22 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM H23 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM H21 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM C24 CH3 X -0.25
              ATOM H18 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H19 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H20 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H4 Haro X 0.14
              ATOM C28 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C29 aroC X -0.09
              ATOM C32 CH2 X -0.16
              ATOM C33 CH2 X -0.16
              ATOM C34 COO X 0.64
              ATOM O3 OOC X -0.74
              ATOM O4 OOC X -0.74
              ATOM H29 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H30 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H27 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H28 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM C31 CH3 X -0.25
              ATOM H24 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H25 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H26 Hapo X 0.12
              ATOM H1 Haro X 0.14
              BOND FE1 N1
              BOND FE1 N2
              BOND FE1 N3
              BOND FE1 N4
              BOND C1 C5
              BOND C1 C30
              BOND C1 H1
              BOND C2 C8
              BOND C2 C13
              BOND C2 H2
              BOND C3 C16
              BOND C3 C20
              BOND C3 H3
              BOND C4 C23
              BOND C4 C27
              BOND C4 H4
              BOND N1 C5
              BOND N1 C8
              BOND C5 C6
              BOND C6 C7
              BOND C6 C10
              BOND C7 C8
              BOND C7 C9
              BOND C9 H5
              BOND C9 H6
              BOND C9 H7
              BOND C10 C11
              BOND C10 H8
              BOND C10 H9
              BOND C11 C12
              BOND C11 H10
              BOND C11 H11
              BOND C12 O1
              BOND C12 O2
              BOND N2 C13
              BOND N2 C16
              BOND C13 C14
              BOND C14 C15
              BOND C14 C17
              BOND C15 C16
              BOND C15 C18
              BOND C17 H12
              BOND C17 H13
              BOND C17 H14
              BOND C18 C19
              BOND C18 H15
              BOND C19 H16
              BOND C19 H17
              BOND N3 C20
              BOND N3 C23
              BOND C20 C21
              BOND C21 C22
              BOND C21 C24
              BOND C22 C23
              BOND C22 C25
              BOND C24 H18
              BOND C24 H19
              BOND C24 H20
              BOND C25 C26
              BOND C25 H21
              BOND C26 H22
              BOND C26 H23
              BOND N4 C27
              BOND N4 C30
              BOND C27 C28
              BOND C28 C29
              BOND C28 C31
              BOND C29 C30
              BOND C29 C32
              BOND C31 H24
              BOND C31 H25
              BOND C31 H26
              BOND C32 C33
              BOND C32 H27
              BOND C32 H28
              BOND C33 C34
              BOND C33 H29
              BOND C33 H30
              BOND C34 O3
              BOND C34 O4
              CHI 1 C7 C6 C10 C11
              CHI 2 C6 C10 C11 C12
              CHI 3 C10 C11 C12 O1
              CHI 4 C14 C15 C18 C19
              CHI 5 C21 C22 C25 C26
              CHI 6 C28 C29 C32 C33
              CHI 7 C29 C32 C33 C34
              CHI 8 C32 C33 C34 O3
              NBR_ATOM FE1
              NBR_RADIUS 10.164055
              ICOOR_INTERNAL FE1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 FE1 N1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N1 0.000000 180.000000 2.056121 FE1 N1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C5 0.000001 55.656149 1.379181 N1 FE1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C1 -5.492646 53.509860 1.370981 C5 N1 FE1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C30 8.356377 53.798025 1.360837 C1 C5 N1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N4 -2.263845 54.885368 1.383394 C30 C1 C5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C27 179.599537 69.440490 1.389028 N4 C30 C1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C4 178.683971 54.296236 1.360500 C27 N4 C30
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C23 -7.889195 53.083678 1.373162 C4 C27 N4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N3 11.037674 53.069173 1.367622 C23 C4 C27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C20 178.114015 72.023208 1.381755 N3 C23 C4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C3 178.822909 54.308175 1.369602 C20 N3 C23
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C16 -1.072649 55.456142 1.375001 C3 C20 N3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL N2 -0.174987 53.589380 1.378055 C16 C3 C20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C13 179.066136 73.501726 1.392129 N2 C16 C3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C2 179.082664 54.306785 1.365300 C13 N2 C16
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C8 -2.712310 54.922021 1.369593 C2 C13 N2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C7 178.365707 54.692869 1.443864 C8 C2 C13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C6 -179.129950 72.139671 1.327011 C7 C8 C2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C10 -179.922216 53.430587 1.550825 C6 C7 C8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C11 -79.484575 68.928471 1.536701 C10 C6 C7
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C12 -72.925223 68.400658 1.517559 C11 C10 C6
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O1 -45.585859 60.378301 1.260016 C12 C11 C10
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O2 -179.675497 61.826676 1.254407 C12 C11 O1
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H10 119.973220 70.478249 1.089828 C11 C10 C12
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H11 120.034615 70.494219 1.090017 C11 C10 H10
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H8 119.991969 70.514884 1.089565 C10 C6 C11
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H9 120.005251 70.514645 1.089744 C10 C6 H8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C9 179.146059 54.336754 1.558623 C7 C8 C6
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H5 1.025538 70.532152 1.089595 C9 C7 C8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H6 120.006273 70.499727 1.089729 C9 C7 H5
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H7 119.988978 70.498127 1.089941 C9 C7 H6
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H2 -179.993145 65.077769 1.080608 C2 C13 C8
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C14 -179.283654 71.204455 1.440889 C13 N2 C2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C15 0.140921 72.602019 1.331736 C14 C13 N2
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C18 -179.657583 52.631448 1.537050 C15 C14 C13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C19 -92.127357 60.588091 1.330616 C18 C15 C14
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H16 -179.994511 60.004845 1.079831 C19 C18 C15
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H17 179.967439 60.023557 1.079617 C19 C18 H16
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H15 179.985928 60.013849 1.079772 C18 C15 C19
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C17 -179.905285 54.452076 1.546264 C14 C13 C15
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H12 -179.973708 70.492831 1.090364 C17 C14 C13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H13 119.991468 70.484395 1.089889 C17 C14 H12
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H14 119.972526 70.498735 1.090346 C17 C14 H13
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H3 -179.982279 64.548895 1.080576 C3 C20 C16
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C21 -179.599849 71.870868 1.443831 C20 N3 C3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C22 0.880762 72.589705 1.340662 C21 C20 N3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C25 179.846622 52.184238 1.538343 C22 C21 C20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C26 -25.550894 58.571131 1.332881 C25 C22 C21
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H22 -179.977574 59.981943 1.079606 C26 C25 C22
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H23 179.956444 59.985101 1.079706 C26 C25 H22
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H21 179.973896 59.992672 1.080542 C25 C22 C26
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C24 178.032179 54.437287 1.545322 C21 C20 C22
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H18 179.997220 70.494092 1.090478 C24 C21 C20
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H19 119.998033 70.472764 1.090470 C24 C21 H18
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H20 119.969628 70.499860 1.090105 C24 C21 H19
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H4 -179.992594 66.905651 1.080453 C4 C27 C23
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C28 -179.169896 70.998142 1.433080 C27 N4 C4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C29 0.205119 74.269098 1.496605 C28 C27 N4
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C32 178.305126 54.117620 1.542623 C29 C28 C27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C33 -95.260538 73.364588 1.528215 C32 C29 C28
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C34 179.493163 71.192610 1.510376 C33 C32 C29
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O3 -116.349051 61.634248 1.252864 C34 C33 C32
              ICOOR_INTERNAL O4 179.084081 61.530409 1.246769 C34 C33 O3
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H29 119.999737 70.477265 1.089919 C33 C32 C34
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H30 119.980799 70.494883 1.089558 C33 C32 H29
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H27 119.977786 70.465540 1.089907 C32 C29 C33
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H28 120.005718 70.500995 1.089811 C32 C29 H27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL C31 178.873221 52.103694 1.548324 C28 C27 C29
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H24 -179.992315 70.518979 1.089824 C31 C28 C27
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H25 119.997115 70.507384 1.090324 C31 C28 H24
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H26 119.990354 70.498744 1.089612 C31 C28 H25
              ICOOR_INTERNAL H1 -179.985189 60.007203 1.080523 C1 C5 C30

            • #5154

                If you look at the log file, there should be a line at the very end which reads “can not find a residue type that matches the residue (residue name) at position (position)” which should help debug things. If you can’t see it, that’s because stdout is buffered when redirected, and the line was left in the buffer (and not put to disk) when the program existed. Try re-running it with the output going to the screen, and you should see the line.

                That might not be necessary, though, as my guess from looking at the code near the error is that the docking protocol is trying to go (temporarily) from full atom mode to centroid mode for one step of the protocol, and it’s not finding the centroid-mode params file for the new residues. molfile_to_params should be able to generate the centroid mode params file (I forget the exact flag – do a “ -h” for the help), and then include them in the flags file with the -extra_res_cen flag (works like -extra_res_fa, but for centroid parameters, rather than full atom).

              • #5157

                  That did do the trick! Thanks ever so much! For the convenience of future newbies reviewing this thread, the molfile_to_params flag is -c.

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