week 46.2016 mpi comlie error: unrecognized command line option “-std=c++11”

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install week 46.2016 mpi comlie error: unrecognized command line option “-std=c++11”

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    • #2541


        I am trying to compile weekly build 46.2016 using “./scons.py bin -j3 mode=release extras=mpi”  and get this error:

        error: unrecognized command line option “-std=c++11”

        My gcc and g++ version is 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15). Any idea why this is happening? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.



      • #12002

          While your g++ version may be 4.8.2, the version of your mpi compiler that you’re using probably isn’t. What does `mpicc –version`, `mpiCC –version` and `mpicxx –version` show?

          If they give the appropriate version (4.8), then try copying main/source/tools/build/site.settings.killdevil to main/source/tools/build/site.settings.

          If they give you a version number that’s pre-4.8, then you need to talk to your sysadmin to see if you have a version of the mpi compiler which has C++11 support.  If one is installed, then you either need to adjust your paths such that’s the one that’s found with the `mpicc –version` (and adjust site.settings as above), or you need to explicitly list which compilers you want to use in main/source/tools/build/user.settings.   — See main/source/tools/build/site.settings.csbmpi for an example of how to do it.

        • #12523

            While your g++ version may be 4.8.2, the version of your mpi compiler that you’re using probably isn’t. What does `mpicc –version`, `mpiCC –version` and `mpicxx –version` show?

            If they give the appropriate version (4.8), then try copying main/source/tools/build/site.settings.killdevil to main/source/tools/build/site.settings.

            If they give you a version number that’s pre-4.8, then you need to talk to your sysadmin to see if you have a version of the mpi compiler which has C++11 support.  If one is installed, then you either need to adjust your paths such that’s the one that’s found with the `mpicc –version` (and adjust site.settings as above), or you need to explicitly list which compilers you want to use in main/source/tools/build/user.settings.   — See main/source/tools/build/site.settings.csbmpi for an example of how to do it.

          • #13044

              While your g++ version may be 4.8.2, the version of your mpi compiler that you’re using probably isn’t. What does `mpicc –version`, `mpiCC –version` and `mpicxx –version` show?

              If they give the appropriate version (4.8), then try copying main/source/tools/build/site.settings.killdevil to main/source/tools/build/site.settings.

              If they give you a version number that’s pre-4.8, then you need to talk to your sysadmin to see if you have a version of the mpi compiler which has C++11 support.  If one is installed, then you either need to adjust your paths such that’s the one that’s found with the `mpicc –version` (and adjust site.settings as above), or you need to explicitly list which compilers you want to use in main/source/tools/build/user.settings.   — See main/source/tools/build/site.settings.csbmpi for an example of how to do it.

            • #12003

                Thanks very much! Replacing the site.settings with the killdevil did the trick.

              • #12524

                  Thanks very much! Replacing the site.settings with the killdevil did the trick.

                • #13045

                    Thanks very much! Replacing the site.settings with the killdevil did the trick.

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