Weird results from flexpepdock MPI

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Weird results from flexpepdock MPI

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    • #2452


        Currentlxz i am running a command like: 

        mpiexec -np {0} {1}/source/bin/FlexPepDocking.mpi.linuxgccrelease -database {1}/database -s {2} -ex1 -ex2 -out:file:silent {3}.silent -out:file:silent_struct_type binary -pep_refine -nstruct 100 -unboundrot {4}


        On 47 cores (so -np 47) with nstruct set to 100. I would expect 100 output energies in the scoing file, however i get 4700. I guess it somehow makes all the 100 simulation on all the nodes. 


        Is this the expected behaviour? It seems really strange to me. 

      • #11687

          Yup, that’s weird!  It should do 100. I’m guessing something is broken with MPI.  What does the MPI executable do if you just try to run it without mpirun?  What MPI are you using?  I assume it compiled just fine.  

        • #11709

             I am using ubuntu 14 lts, and i simply installed openmpi-common with apt-get

          • #11710

              What does the MPI executable do if you just try to run it without mpirun?  Does this reproduce with any of the other executables (fixbb with -packing:prevent_repacking is a very fast test).

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