what is the relationship and difference between Rosetta 3.0 and miniRosetta

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General what is the relationship and difference between Rosetta 3.0 and miniRosetta

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    • #606


        I don’t find the homepage of miniRosetta …

      • #4445

          They’re two names for the same thing, the same way that “rosetta++” and “rosetta2.0” are the same thing. I guess technically minirosetta is the internal/developer version, whereas officially versioned 3.x are the release versions.

          We’re supposed to prevent the name “minirosetta” from leaking into the documentation and into end-user interactions but obviously it does anyway!

          There’s a paper in preparation describing the code reboot between 2.x and 3.x.

          • #4446

              So Rosetta_Beta in rosetta@home is developer version of rosetta++ 2.x?

              > They’re two names for the same thing, the same way that “rosetta++” and “rosetta2.0” are the same thing. I guess technically minirosetta is the internal/developer version, whereas officially versioned 3.x are the release versions.
              > We’re supposed to prevent the name “minirosetta” from leaking into the documentation and into end-user interactions but obviously it does anyway!
              > There’s a paper in preparation describing the code reboot between 2.x and 3.x.

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