Where is the RosettaHoles2 executable?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications Where is the RosettaHoles2 executable?

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    • #1295

        What is the difference between the following executables?
        Do any of them correspond to RosettaHoles2?


        Thanks to whoever knows the answer.

      • #7301

          Those are unreleased so far as I know.

        • #7441

            “Packstat is released; src/apps/pilot/packstat.cc. It should be built normally.

            I can’t imagine why I possibly would have ever typed that – we never release pilot. Brain fart. I’ll see what Will says about it. I see you’ve posted in three places just now.

          • #7302

              Packstat is released; src/apps/pilot/packstat.cc. It should be built normally.

            • #7439

                refer to http://www.rosettacommons.org/content/empty-dir-rosettasourcesrcappspilot
                to see that this dir is stripped from release :)

                instead, go to src/core/scoring/packstat
                packstat.cc is not present in it, though.

              • #7442

                  I posted in different threads asking different questions. Just got a bit desperate since it seems others were able to run it and I want to max my chance to get reply from different users. Hope that’s not a problem.

                • #7443

                    You’re fine – I’m more pointing out that I’m not going to answer in all of them simultaneously.

                    The author (Will Sheffler) doesn’t know why the code isn’t released. I have tweaked packstat.cc and holes.cc from current Rosetta trunk to compile in Rosetta 3.4 (otherwise untested; just that they compile). Do you want me to send copies to the address registered for the message boards (macro…..)?

                  • #7444

                      Yes, please send a copy to me. I will be more than happy to give it a shot. How about “holesscore” or “holesscore.wrt” which is used in “score_jd2”? Can I have a copy of the file(s) as well?

                      And, thank you very much for your quick response. You have been very helpful!

                    • #8481

                        I’m using Rosetta 3.4 and I’m also willing to use the holes app , could you please send copies of the packstat.cc and holes.cc too?
                        Thanks in advance~

                      • #7445

                          “holesscore” doesn’t exist in developer trunk that I can find…so I can’t send it to you. I’ll ask Will. I’ll send the other files shortly. You’ll want to gunzip them, move them to the apps folder, and add them to apps.src.settings then recompile.

                        • #7446

                            I have compiled holes.cc and packstat.cc successfully in Rosetta 3.4. They also work very well. Thank you very much !

                          • #8483

                              check your inbox, should be there soon

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