Why does the sum of the per-residue total energy not match the whole score?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Why does the sum of the per-residue total energy not match the whole score?

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    • #3807

        At the bottom of a scored PDB file is a POSE_ENERGIES_TABLE. The sum of total, which is already a dot product with the weights, does not match the total score.

        Here is an example in Python3, either with or without PyRosetta —This is a question about the C++ not the Python bindinds, hence my posting in Rosetta General

        ## with PyRosetta
        import pandas as pd
        pose = pyrosetta.pose_from_pdb('1ubq.r.pdb')
        pyrosetta.rosetta.core.pose.remove_nonprotein_residues(pose) # there are no ligands
        print(pose.num_chains(), pose.num_jump()) # there is 1 chain and 0 jumps.
        scorefxn = pyrosetta.get_fa_scorefxn()
        single = scorefxn(pose)
        scores = pd.DataFrame(pose.energies().residue_total_energies_array())
        summed = sum(scores.total_score)
        print(f'sum={summed}, call={single}, from_energy={pose.energies().total_energy()}')
        # sum=-265.05077538177227, call=-307.92166266135933, from_energy=-307.92166266135933
        pose.dump_scored_pdb('scored.pdb', scorefxn)

        ## agnostic
        import re
        from io import StringIO
        with open('scored.pdb') as fh:
        block = re.search('#BEGIN_POSE_ENERGIES_TABLEs+([wW]+)#END_POSE_ENERGIES_TABLEs+',
        totals = pd.read_csv(StringIO(block), sep=' ').total
        print(f'expected={totals[1]}, summed={sum(totals[2:])}')
        # expected=-307.922, summed=-265.05079000000006

        What exactly causes this difference?

        There are no non-zero terms absent from the per residue table. The above is a single chain protein with no ligands.

        While I cannot figure out where `total_energies_` intercepts with the `residue_total_energies_` attribute, in the ScoreFunction.cc file there is:

        pose.energies().total_energy() = pose.energies().total_energies().dot( weights_ );

        Which means that residue_total_energies_ and total_energies_ are calculated separately somewhere. And beyond that, I cannot figure out.

        Personally, I am interested in this as I was tring to wrap my head around the fact `scorefxn.get_sub_score` in PyRosetta is also non additive (example below) and I believe this lies at the heart of it.

        trues = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.select.residue_selector.TrueResidueSelector().apply(pose)
        all_sub = scorefxn.get_sub_score(pose, trues)
        ResidueSpanSelector = pyrosetta.rosetta.core.select.residue_selector.ResidueSpanSelector
        fore = ResidueSpanSelector(1, 38).apply(pose)
        aft = ResidueSpanSelector(39, 76).apply(pose)
        scorefxn.get_sub_score(pose, fore) + scorefxn.get_sub_score(pose, aft), all_sub
        # -118.6, -214.1


      • #15967

          Because you have to decompose hydrogen bonds first. Use the PerResidueEnergyMetric (a SimpleMetric) or do it in a script with this code: 


              //Sum residue energies, making sure that we have pair-energies to do the summation properly

              weights = local_scorefxn.weights() //Create the EnergyMap

              emopts = core.scoring.methods.EnergyMethodOptions( local_scorefxn.energy_method_options() )
              emopts.hbond_options().decompose_bb_hb_into_pair_energies( True )
              local_scorefxn.set_energy_method_options( emopts )


        • #15971

            Thank you so much!

            Your code makes the values identical in favour of the better value as hoped.

            (I just googled the command `decompose_bb_hb_into_pair_energies` and found it is in the documentation —ops)

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