Member Listing – Jeffrey Gray

First Name
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Last Name
Johns Hopkins University
Job Title
Research Summary
Protein docking, antibody engineering, glycoproteins, membrane proteins, deep learning
Research Description
Protein docking, antibody engineering, glycoproteins, membrane proteins. My lab’s research focuses on computational protein structure prediction and design, particularly protein- protein docking, therapeutic antibodies, protein-surface interactions, membrane protein interactions, and glycosylation. Our lab plays a leading role in developing methods like RosettaDock, RosettaAntibody, RosettaSurface, RosettaMP (membrane protein modeling), RosettaCarbohydrate, and the ROSIE web server and the PyRosetta interactive platform. Core challenges include protein conformational change upon binding and accurate calculations of energies. An important part of our work is collaborations with diverse research groups to understand basic biology, disease and immunity. We have collaborated on projects on cancer, hypophosphotasia (a bone mineralization disease), Celiac’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, progeria (related to aging), antibiotic resistance, and many more.
Research Keywords
protein docking,transmembrane proteins,pyrosetta,nanomaterials,antibody design,protein-surface interactions
Working with Rosetta Since