First Name
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Westlake University
Job Title
Research Summary
Transmembrane protein design
Research Description
Transmembrane protein design Lu lab mainly focus on computationally design of new generations of functional multipass transmembrane proteins, and design of small proteins targeting disease-related membrane proteins. His group proposes to overcome several key challenges. (i) Use computational protein design methods to develop new generation of transmembrane nanopores and design ion channels with specific selectivity, from scratch. (ii) Extend effort to design transmembrane proteins with cavities that could bind small molecules. One example is to design receptors that could oligomerize and signal upon ligand binding. (iii) Combine computational design effort with massively parallel gene synthesis followed by high-throughput screen to make de novo designed binders for disease-related membrane proteins. Seamless interaction of computational protein design, high-throughput screening, channel activity studies, ligand binding efficacy studies, membrane protein expression and structure determination in Lu lab will provide insights into principles of transmembrane protein design.
Research Keywords
protein design
Working with Rosetta Since