| Name | Organization | Research Summary | |
| DeGrado, Bill | University of California San Francisco | De novo protein design. Drug design. Membrane protein design. | ViewMap |
| Labonte, Jason | Notre Dame of Maryland University | biomolecular modeling of carbohydrates and post-translational modifications | ViewMap |
| Furman, Ora | Hebrew University | Characterization, Modeling and Design of interactions mediated by peptides and short motifs. We develop and apply approaches to study interactions of biological importance. | ViewMap |
| Wang, Chu | Peking University | Chemoproteomic profiling and design of protein functions | ViewMap |
| Gront, Dominik | University of Warsaw | Coarse grained and and multiscale modelling of protein dynamics | ViewMap |
| Höcker, Birte | University of Bayreuth | Computational and experimental protein design | ViewMap |
| Johnson, David | University of Kansas | Computational chemical biology | ViewMap |
| Oberdorfer, Gustav | Graz University of Technology | Computational design of functional proteins | ViewMap |
| Xu, Chunfu | National Institute of Biological Sciences | Computational design of functional proteins | ViewMap |
| Correia, Bruno | Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Computational design of functional proteins with applications in immunoengineering and synthetic biology. | ViewMap |
| Norn, Christoffer | BioInnovation Institute | Computational design of integral membrane protein modulators | ViewMap |
| Noy, Dror | MIGAL Galilee Research Institute | Computational design of photosynthetic protein analogues | ViewMap |
| Oh, Byung-Ha | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | Computational design of proteins for biomedical application | ViewMap |
| Bhardwaj, Gaurav | University of Washington | Computational peptide design for targeted therapeutics | ViewMap |
| O'Meara, Matthew | University of Michigan | Computational Pharmacology | ViewMap |
| Kuhlman, Brian | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Computational Protein Design | ViewMap |
| Meiler, Jens | Vanderbilt University | computational structural biology | ViewMap |
| Jiang, Lin | University of California, Los Angeles | computational structural biology and drug design for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other degenerative disorders | ViewMap |
| Kuroda, Daisuke | National Institute of Infectious Diseases (Japan) | Computer-aided design of antibodies and vaccine immunogens | ViewMap |
| Stein, Amelie | University of Copenhagen | consequences of mutations on protein structure & function | ViewMap |
| London, Nir | Weizmann Institute of Science | Covalent small molecule ligand discovery and design | ViewMap |
| Kellogg, Elizabeth | Cornell University | Cryo-EM, computational modeling and protein design | ViewMap |
| Vorobieva, Anastassia | VIB (Belgium) | De novo design of membrane proteins and nanopores | ViewMap |
| Bahl, Christopher | Harvard University | de novo design of miniprotein therapeutics | ViewMap |
| Ljubetič, Ajasja | National Institute of Chemistry (Slovenia) | De novo designed dynamic proteins | ViewMap |
| Parmeggiani, Fabio | University of Bristol | Design of modular structures | ViewMap |
| André, Ingemar | Lund University | Design of protein assembly formation and conformational change | ViewMap |
| Khmelinskaia, Alena | Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich | Design of protein-based biohybrid materials to (i) study complex biological processes and (ii) tackle biotechnological bottle necks. | ViewMap |
| King, Neil | University of Washington | Designing protein-based nanomaterials for medical applications | ViewMap |
| Fleishman, Sarel | Weizmann Institute of Science | Developing methods for enzyme, antibody, and membrane protein design | ViewMap |
| Feldman, David | BioInnovation Institute | Developing minibinders to integral membrane proteins | ViewMap |
| Gulsevin, Alican | Butler University | Development and application of methods for the modeling of membrane proteins important for human health. | ViewMap |
| Siegel, Justin | University of California, Davis | Discovery and Design of Novel Enzymes | ViewMap |
| Smith, Colin | Wesleyan University | Dynamics of computationally designed and naturally occurring proteins | ViewMap |
| Slusky, Joanna | University of Kansas | Enzyme and outer membrane protein evolution and design | ViewMap |
| Ramírez-Sarmiento, César | Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile | Evolution and design of metamorphic proteins, PET-degrading enzymes and photosynthetic blood substitutes | ViewMap |
| Cooper, Seth | Northeastern University | Foldit | ViewMap |
| Karanicolas, John | Fox Chase Cancer Center | Harnessing the power of computational chemical biology to address non-traditional drug targets | ViewMap |
| Rocklin, Gabriel | Northwestern University | High-throughput protein design and biophysics | ViewMap |
| Schief, William | The Scripps Research Institute | HIV vaccine design; epitope-focused vaccine design; germline-targeting vaccine design. | ViewMap |
| Corn, Jacob | ETH Zurich | Human genome editing and organelle removal | ViewMap |
| Kortemme, Tanja | University of California San Francisco | I am interested in approaches to design and build new biological functions, and to probe and control protein functions in complex biological systems. | ViewMap |
| Koehler Leman, Julia | Open Molecular Software Foundation | I develop methods for membrane protein modeling, also with the use of NMR restraints. | ViewMap |
| Raveh, Barak | Hebrew University | Integrative spatiotemporal modeling of dynamic biological research | ViewMap |
| Madl, Tobias | Medical University of Graz | Integrative structural biology and metabolomics. Tobias Madl and his team investigate the molecular mechanisms of how disordered proteins regulate signal transduction, intracellular transport and phase separation. | ViewMap |
| Bjelic, Sinisa | Linnaeus University | Intersted in functionalizing proteins, understanding biology, and having fun! | ViewMap |
| Drew, Kevin | University of Illinois Chicago | Macromolecular Identification, Structure, & Function | ViewMap |
| Ambroggio, Xavier | Rosetta Design Group | Macromolecular modeling for the advancement and understanding of human health and disease. | ViewMap |
| Das, Rhiju | Stanford University | Modeling and design of complex structured RNA | ViewMap |
| Pierce, Brian | University of Maryland | Modeling and design of immune recognition | ViewMap |