hi everyone;
Hard time installing rosetta on ubuntu 11.10.
different problems, very frustrating.
Linux 3.0
ubuntu 11.10
python 2.7
gcc 4.6
Here is the recent oneļ¼
/tmp/ccIDDP8t.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccIDDP8t.s: Error: .size expression for _ZN7utility7options15VectorOption_T_INS0_19PathVectorOptionKeyENS_4file8PathNameEE5valueERKS4_ does not evaluate to a constant
/tmp/ccIDDP8t.s: Error: .size expression for _ZSt22__uninitialized_move_aIPN7utility7options10PathOptionES3_SaIS2_EET0_T_S6_S5_RT1_ does not evaluate to a constant
scons: *** [build/src/debug/linux/3.0/32/x86/gcc/basic/options/option.os] Error 1
sbons: building terminated because of errors.
All valuable suggestions are appreciated.