3.2 with Intel Compilers on OS X Intel

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install 3.2 with Intel Compilers on OS X Intel

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    • #756

        Is building Rosetta 3.2 with the Intel compilers on OS X Intel supported? I ran the build like so:

        ./scons.py bin mode=release cxx=icc

        And the resulting commands look like this:

        g++ -o build/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc/super_aln.macosiccrelease build/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc/apps/public/comparative_modeling/super_aln.o -Llib -Lexternal/lib -Lbuild/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc -Lsrc -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/lib -ldevel -lprotocols -lcore -lnumeric -lutility -lObjexxFCL -lz
        Install file: "build/src/release/macos/10.5/64/x86/icc/super_aln.macosiccrelease" as "bin/super_aln.macosiccrelease"

        So it’s running g++, but naming the binaries as if they are built with icc…

      • #4895

          I don’t think any of us have tried the Mac ICC build – actually, none of the developers in shouting distance were even aware ICC was available on macs (although it makes sense in retrospect). I don’t think any Rosetta labs actually have an ICC license; some of us use institutional-type licenses on supercomputers but not locally. Since we don’t run on mac supercomputer clusters, nobody’s tried this before.

          This is certainly a fiddle-with-the-scons-files type fix. (Pretty much any build environment we haven’t tried is broken but achievable with some tweaking).

          Looking into my copy of tools/build/basic.settings, I see no entry for macos and icc. (I’m surprised it compiled at all.) I would try examining the gcc+macos and icc+linux entries and combining them to see what works. It may take some fiddling…

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