ab inito memberane error

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General ab inito memberane error

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    • #786

        I’ve got an error while I am running the following command:

        /soft/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/src/apps/public/membrane_abi nitio/run_lips.pl test.ali test.span /usr/bin/blastp /home/albert/softbake/biosoft/rosettadb/nrdb /soft/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/ alignblast.pl

        Error in alignblast.pl: blast output file test.ali truncated:
        readline() on closed filehandle MSA at /soft/rosetta-3.2/rosetta_source/src/ap ps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 91.

        could you please tell me how to solve this?


      • #5022


          You need to use blastpgp (not blastp) program (see the membrane_abinitio documentation) – it is a part of Legacy Blast package that you can download from:
          here is description of the package:

        • #5033

            Your problem is actually not related to membrane ab initio protocol. You need to follow the documentation carefully – it says that you should specify “path to nr database” – /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-db in your command line is not a correct path – correct path should look like “/scratch/shared/genomes/nr” (see documentation) – with “nr” at the end – not “blast-db”. Blast nr database contains many files, but they all begin with “nr”. Always pay attention to error and/or warning messages that you are getting – you could have figured out the source of the problem if you’ve tested blastpgp program by itself and if you’ve read the warning in your log: [blastpgp] WARNING: Unable to open blast-db.pin

          • #5036

              THX for kind reply.
              I renamed the folder to “nr” and run it again, it works now but there are still many wanning messages:

              /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl test.fasta test.span /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-2.2.24/bin/blastpgp /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/nr /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/alignblast.pl
              /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-2.2.24/bin/blastpgp -i test.fasta -d /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/nr -j 2 -h 0.001 -b5000 -v5000 -o test.blast
              [blastpgp] WARNING: Unable to open nr.pin
              [blastpgp] WARNING: Unable to open nr.pin
              [blastpgp] WARNING: [000.000] Unable to open nr.pin
              Can’t exec “/bin/sh”: Argument list too long at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 127.
              Use of uninitialized value $data in print at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 129.
              Use of uninitialized value $data in split at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 165.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 201.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 202.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              Use of uninitialized value within @resnum in array dereference at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/run_lips.pl line 206.
              3 5 5
              5 3 2
              0 2 2
              0 5 5
              4 6 6
              2 4 4

            • #5037
              • #5027

                  THX for kind reply.
                  It is still doesn’t work. Moreover, I found a test.blast in the directory, but it is empty…. and here is my log file:

                  Desktop/test> /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio//run_lips.pl test.fasta test.span /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-2.2.24/bin/blastpgp /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-db /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio/alignblast.pl

                  /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-2.2.24/bin/blastpgp -i test.fasta -d /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/blast-db -j 2 -h 0.001 -b5000 -v5000 -o test.blast
                  [blastpgp] WARNING: Unable to open blast-db.pin
                  [blastpgp] WARNING: Unable to open blast-db.pin
                  Error in alignblast.pl: blast output file test.blast truncated:
                  readline() on closed filehandle MSA at /home/albert/install/rosetta-3.2/source/src/apps/public/membrane_abinitio//run_lips.pl line 91.
                  4 2 2
                  5 0 0
                  3 5 5
                  0 5 5
                  6 4 4
                  4 2 2
                  2 4 4

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