Boost error when compiling __neighbor_all_at_once_.0.cpp

Member Site Forums PyRosetta PyRosetta – Build/Install Boost error when compiling __neighbor_all_at_once_.0.cpp

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    • #1802

        Hi, I am building PyRosetta with and almost everything goes through, but near the end I get a very complicated-looking error:

        /project/Biogroup/Software/Rosetta/rosetta_2013wk51/tools/PyRosetta.develop/deploy/include/boost/python/converter/registered.hpp:86: error: no matching function for call to ‘register_shared_ptr1(bool (*)(const core::conformation::Residue&, const core::conformation::Residue&, const core::pose::Pose&))’

        Full error report attached.

        Do you have any idea what could be the culprit?
        Thanks, Vaclav

        My setup:
        CentOS release 6.3 (Final)
        Python 2.7.1 |EPD 7.0-2 (64-bit)|
        gcc version 4.4.6
        rosetta_2013wk51 (r56169)
        boost_1_47_0, cmake- and gccxml are downloaded by

      • #9712

          Forwarded to Sergey, he should be able to help.

        • #9713

            Hi Vasek,

            I have fixed this error just a few days ago. So you can ether just get a new release (must be version after this friday Jan 24 2014) or you can apply following path to your source code:

            diff --git a/source/src/python/bindings/tools/ b/source/src/python/bindings/tools/
            index 8d9bab8..07a205c 100644
            --- a/source/src/python/bindings/tools/
            +++ b/source/src/python/bindings/tools/
            @@ -728,6 +730,10 @@ class CppClass:
            if self.incomplete: return False
            for b in self.bases:
            if b.type_.T() == '::boost::noncopyable_::noncopyable': return False
            + # Some exceptions...
            + if == '::protocols::neighbor::Neighborhood': return False # temporary disabling wrapping of protocols::neighbor::Neighborhood because we could not compile it on Linux GCC-4.1 due to function pointer in constructor
            return True

            def isPublicMembersWrappable(self):


          • #9717

              It compiles now, thanks a lot!

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