Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Bug in cluster?

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    • #1094

        When I run the cluster application with the following command:

        cluster.linuxgccrelease -database ~/rosetta3.3//rosetta_database -in:file:s *.pdb -in:file:fullatom -cluster:radius -1 -cluster:gdtmm -cluster:limit_clusters 25 -cluster:limit_total_structures 100 -cluster:sort_groups_by_energy

        I’m getting lines with:

        protocols.cluster: Adding struc: 2.32622e-310

        in the output… There’s nothing suspicious about the rest of the output, and it seems to be giving me reasonable results…

        Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?


      • #6287

          I’m guessing that that value is a rounding error of zero or numeric noise, and for whatever reason the structures are unscored, and the score variable (the one being output as 2.3etc) is assigned to zero or uninitialized.

          If it looks like it’s working, it’s probably working.

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