Mac OS 10.7, 64 bit (i7 processor)
Python version 2.75 (version 3.4.1 also installed)
Hey, new to both PyRosetta, Python, and molecular modeling in general, but I found the PyRosetta User’s Guide and have been working through it-until I ran into an issue with the scoring functions.
It seems that the software cannot find the standard or the standard.wts file in the weights folder which is supposed to be used for creating scoring functions. Specifically, when I try the following sequence of commands:
-In [23]: name=’standard’
-In [24]: my_scorefxn=create_score_function(name)
I get the following error message:
ERROR: Unable to open weights/patch file. None of (./)standard or (./)standard.wts…exists
Did I install the software incorrectly? Or maybe there is a package or file I need to download for this to work?
Thanks to anyone who can offer advice or guidance, or if you’ve had similar problems please let me know how you were able to solve them-anything would help, I’m truly stuck here.