can’t find toolbox module

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    • #2531



        I was not sure if this is ‘build/install’ question, but it seems that ‘general’ forum is for more advanced issues..

        I’m a beginner in PyRosetta and not really a “tech” person, more wet biologist so sorry if the question is stupid..

        Currently using tutorial from to try basics of PyRosetta.

        When running pose = pose_from_pdb(“1yy8.clean.pdb”) got unknown exception error.

        Using Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS 64-bit, python, pyrosetta versions may be seen from log below (is there a way to hide it behind a cut?)


        I would be grateful for your advice!

        Python 2.7.12 (default, Jul 1 2016, 15:12:24)
        Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

        IPython 2.4.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
        ? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
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        help -> Python's own help system.
        object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.

        In [1]: from pyrosetta import *

        In [2]: pyrosetta.init()
        NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
        <ipython-input-2-34444050a08f> in <module>()
        ----> 1 pyrosetta.init()

        NameError: name 'pyrosetta' is not defined

        In [3]: import pyrosetta

        In [4]: pyrosetta.init()
        Found rosetta database at: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyrosetta-4.0-py2.7.egg/database; using it....
        PyRosetta-4 2016 [Rosetta 2016 unknown:caf3ac9d7450e125941c5e85236b57d398680305 2016-10-22 12:28:39 -0700] retrieved from:
        (C) Copyright Rosetta Commons Member Institutions.
        Created in JHU by Sergey Lyskov and PyRosetta Team.

        core.init: Rosetta version from
        core.init: command: PyRosetta -ex1 -ex2aro -database /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyrosetta-4.0-py2.7.egg/database
        core.init: 'RNG device' seed mode, using '/dev/urandom', seed=396660147 seed_offset=0 real_seed=396660147
        core.init.random: RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=396660147 RG_type=mt19937

        In [5]: pose = pose_from_pdb("1yy8.clean.pdb")

        RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)
        <ipython-input-5-c5fc8cfb3b2d> in <module>()
        ----> 1 pose = pose_from_pdb("1yy8.clean.pdb")

        /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pyrosetta-4.0-py2.7.egg/pyrosetta/__init__.pyc in pose_from_pdb(filename)
        327 # because otherwise, it wrecks a lot of people's scripts. ~Labonte
        328 def pose_from_pdb(filename):
        --> 329 return pose_from_file(filename)

        RuntimeError: Caught an unknown exception!


      • #11940

          sorry, the previous was just because of wrong working directory…

          now pose_from_pdb works…

          but now I’ve got an ImportError, can’t find toolbox module..

          In [18]: from toolbox import get_struct
          ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
          <ipython-input-18-4c061d2704b0> in <module>()
          ----> 1 from toolbox import get_struct

          ImportError: No module named toolbox


        • #12461

            sorry, the previous was just because of wrong working directory…

            now pose_from_pdb works…

            but now I’ve got an ImportError, can’t find toolbox module..

            In [18]: from toolbox import get_struct
            ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
            <ipython-input-18-4c061d2704b0> in <module>()
            ----> 1 from toolbox import get_struct

            ImportError: No module named toolbox


          • #12982

              sorry, the previous was just because of wrong working directory…

              now pose_from_pdb works…

              but now I’ve got an ImportError, can’t find toolbox module..

              In [18]: from toolbox import get_struct
              ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
              <ipython-input-18-4c061d2704b0> in <module>()
              ----> 1 from toolbox import get_struct

              ImportError: No module named toolbox


            • #11941

                Well, the log file in your post clearly says that PDB file is not there:

                In [5]: pose = pose_from_pdb("1yy8.clean.pdb")
                core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing fa_standard residue type set. Created 455 residue types
                core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Total time to initialize 0.493135 seconds.
                core.import_pose.import_pose: File: 1yy8.clean.pdb not found!


              • #12462

                  Well, the log file in your post clearly says that PDB file is not there:

                  In [5]: pose = pose_from_pdb("1yy8.clean.pdb")
                  core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing fa_standard residue type set. Created 455 residue types
                  core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Total time to initialize 0.493135 seconds.
                  core.import_pose.import_pose: File: 1yy8.clean.pdb not found!


                • #12983

                    Well, the log file in your post clearly says that PDB file is not there:

                    In [5]: pose = pose_from_pdb("1yy8.clean.pdb")
                    core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Finished initializing fa_standard residue type set. Created 455 residue types
                    core.chemical.ResidueTypeSet: Total time to initialize 0.493135 seconds.
                    core.import_pose.import_pose: File: 1yy8.clean.pdb not found!


                  • #11942

                      Re toolbox module: in PyRosetta-4 it location is changed to pyrosetta.toolbox, please try to import it instead.

                    • #12463

                        Re toolbox module: in PyRosetta-4 it location is changed to pyrosetta.toolbox, please try to import it instead.

                      • #12984

                          Re toolbox module: in PyRosetta-4 it location is changed to pyrosetta.toolbox, please try to import it instead.

                        • #11945

                            Just thought it may be informative, regarding PyMOL_Mover issue,

                            error happened in the same session, after everything “above” worked (import pyrosetta, pyrosetta.init(), import pyrosetta.toolbox, protein geometry manipulation, pose.dump_pdb. … worked in PyMOL).

                            I appreciate your help!

                          • #12466

                              Just thought it may be informative, regarding PyMOL_Mover issue,

                              error happened in the same session, after everything “above” worked (import pyrosetta, pyrosetta.init(), import pyrosetta.toolbox, protein geometry manipulation, pose.dump_pdb. … worked in PyMOL).

                              I appreciate your help!

                            • #12987

                                Just thought it may be informative, regarding PyMOL_Mover issue,

                                error happened in the same session, after everything “above” worked (import pyrosetta, pyrosetta.init(), import pyrosetta.toolbox, protein geometry manipulation, pose.dump_pdb. … worked in PyMOL).

                                I appreciate your help!

                              • #11948

                                  We changed implementation of PyMOL mover from python to C++. So now you need to use something like this:

                                  pymol = pyrosetta.PyMolMover()


                                • #12469

                                    We changed implementation of PyMOL mover from python to C++. So now you need to use something like this:

                                    pymol = pyrosetta.PyMolMover()


                                  • #12990

                                      We changed implementation of PyMOL mover from python to C++. So now you need to use something like this:

                                      pymol = pyrosetta.PyMolMover()


                                    • #12350


                                        I have the PyRosetta4.MinSizeRel.python27.linux.release-140 installed on my Windows 8 platform. So far I have been able to pose a pdb structure and am looking forward linking PyMol to Pyrosetta through pymover. I found a post that says that implementation of the pymover is now pymol = pyrosetta.PyMolMover() due to the change from python to C++. However when I enter this command in ipython, I get the AttributeError: “module” object has no attribute “PyMolMover”. I will really appreciate any assistance to solve this issue.


                                      • #12871


                                          I have the PyRosetta4.MinSizeRel.python27.linux.release-140 installed on my Windows 8 platform. So far I have been able to pose a pdb structure and am looking forward linking PyMol to Pyrosetta through pymover. I found a post that says that implementation of the pymover is now pymol = pyrosetta.PyMolMover() due to the change from python to C++. However when I enter this command in ipython, I get the AttributeError: “module” object has no attribute “PyMolMover”. I will really appreciate any assistance to solve this issue.


                                        • #13392


                                            I have the PyRosetta4.MinSizeRel.python27.linux.release-140 installed on my Windows 8 platform. So far I have been able to pose a pdb structure and am looking forward linking PyMol to Pyrosetta through pymover. I found a post that says that implementation of the pymover is now pymol = pyrosetta.PyMolMover() due to the change from python to C++. However when I enter this command in ipython, I get the AttributeError: “module” object has no attribute “PyMolMover”. I will really appreciate any assistance to solve this issue.


                                          • #11944

                                              Thank’s a lot!

                                              You’re right, it was my mistake  when creating pose.

                                              pyrosetta.toolbox import worked, thank you.

                                              now I’ve lost PyMOL_mover..

                                              In [21]: pymol = PyMOL_Mover()
                                              NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
                                              <ipython-input-21-d991403572a8> in <module>()
                                              ----> 1 pymol = PyMOL_Mover()

                                              NameError: name 'PyMOL_Mover' is not defined

                                              Am I doing smth wrong? I didn’t find an answer in pymol_mover tutorial..

                                            • #12465

                                                Thank’s a lot!

                                                You’re right, it was my mistake  when creating pose.

                                                pyrosetta.toolbox import worked, thank you.

                                                now I’ve lost PyMOL_mover..

                                                In [21]: pymol = PyMOL_Mover()
                                                NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
                                                <ipython-input-21-d991403572a8> in <module>()
                                                ----> 1 pymol = PyMOL_Mover()

                                                NameError: name 'PyMOL_Mover' is not defined

                                                Am I doing smth wrong? I didn’t find an answer in pymol_mover tutorial..

                                              • #12986

                                                  Thank’s a lot!

                                                  You’re right, it was my mistake  when creating pose.

                                                  pyrosetta.toolbox import worked, thank you.

                                                  now I’ve lost PyMOL_mover..

                                                  In [21]: pymol = PyMOL_Mover()
                                                  NameError Traceback (most recent call last)
                                                  <ipython-input-21-d991403572a8> in <module>()
                                                  ----> 1 pymol = PyMOL_Mover()

                                                  NameError: name 'PyMOL_Mover' is not defined

                                                  Am I doing smth wrong? I didn’t find an answer in pymol_mover tutorial..

                                                • #11950

                                                    It works. Thank you!

                                                  • #12471

                                                      It works. Thank you!

                                                    • #12992

                                                        It works. Thank you!

                                                      • #12359

                                                          Be careful of capitalization: I believe it’s pyrosetta.PyMOLMover()

                                                        • #12880

                                                            Be careful of capitalization: I believe it’s pyrosetta.PyMOLMover()

                                                          • #13401

                                                              Be careful of capitalization: I believe it’s pyrosetta.PyMOLMover()

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