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    • #3810

        The compiled downloads of pyrosetta from Rosetta commons* aren’t ‘–serialization’ builds.

        * I was going to doublecheck but is giving me a 404 for PyRosetta.

        Is there any disadavantage in this build one should be wary of? Like slower, segfault-y-er, lacking other features etc. 

        The fact that it is not one of the options makes me think there may be, hence my asking.

        # PyRosetta-4 2020 [Rosetta PyRosetta4.Release.python37.linux 2020.49+release.fac69dd63b19b7d5dac246655b6c15158b98365e 2020-12-01T20:40:56]
        except NotImplementedError as err:
        print(f'{err.__class__.__name__}: {err}')
        # NotImplementedError: __cereal_getstate__ requires pyrosetta '--serialization' build.


      • #15981

          Hi Mateo!

          Thanks for letting us know about the broken link.

          I’ve fixed it now, and it correctly forwards to the pyrosetta download page.

          I’m afraid I currently have no answer for your actual question, but will look into it.


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