constrain files tutorial

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General constrain files tutorial

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    • #796


        I are there any tutorial or comment constrains file available. I have been unable to find any in the documentations. What I am particular is looking into is make a constrain between the cofactor and the ligand.I would be happy to see any constrain files that are available for the public. There was a set of good tutorial at Meierlab but it seems that they have removed them. A good example would be to have a distant between the Oxygen and the iron of hemoglobin.

        Knut J

      • #5061

          Solved I used use Atompair atom residuenumber_of_thefirst atom residue:number_of_the_second harmonic distant 0.2 in text file.

        • #5062
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