Error getting MinMover attributes

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    • #1214


        I’m experiencing some very strange behavior on part of PyRosetta.

        I’m running pre-built PyRosetta v2.011 for ScientificLinux (64 bit, r47657) on Linux 3.0.3 ( x86_64) with Python 2.6.6. I’ll use MinMover as an example, but this happens with many other object types.

        I can instantiate, configure and run a MinMover without a hitch, e.g. min_mover.tolerance(0.025) works fine. But when I try to access that information using a getter, i.e. min_mover.tolerance(), I get an ArgumentError.

        Here’s the output from my iPython session:

        In [1]: import rosetta

        In [2]: rosetta.init()
        PYROSETTA_DATABASE environment variable was set to: /vol/ek/share/csbw/tools/pyrosetta/rosetta_database... using it...
        PyRosetta 2.011 [r47657] retrieved from:
        (C) Copyright Rosetta Commons Member Institutions.
        Created in JHU by Sergey Lyskov and PyRosetta Team.

        core.init: Mini-Rosetta version 47657 from
        core.init: command: app -database /vol/ek/share/csbw/tools/pyrosetta/rosetta_database -ex1 -ex2aro
        core.init: 'RNG device' seed mode, using '/dev/urandom', seed=1831869119 seed_offset=0 real_seed=1831869119
        core.init.random: RandomGenerator:init: Normal mode, seed=1831869119 RG_type=mt19937

        In [3]: min_mover = rosetta.MinMover()

        In [4]: min_mover.tolerance(0.025) # no problems here

        In [5]: min_mover.tolerance
        Out[5]: >

        In [6]: min_mover.tolerance()
        ArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last)
        /a/fr-01/vol/home/grad/assaff/ in ()
        ----> 1 min_mover.tolerance()

        ArgumentError: Python argument types in
        did not match C++ signature:
        tolerance(MinMover_exposer_callback {lvalue}, double tolerance_in)
        tolerance(protocols::simple_moves::MinMover {lvalue}, double tolerance_in)

        In [7]: min_mover.min_type
        Out[7]: >

        In [8]: min_mover.min_type()
        ArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last)
        /a/fr-01/vol/home/grad/assaff/ in ()
        ----> 1 min_mover.min_type()

        ArgumentError: Python argument types in
        did not match C++ signature:
        min_type(MinMover_exposer_callback {lvalue}, std::string min_type_in)
        min_type(protocols::simple_moves::MinMover {lvalue}, std::string min_type_in)

        In [9]: exit()
      • #6847

          MinMover doesn’t have a getter tolerance(). At least, it doesn’t in trunk C++, SVN 47908. Is this a general answer to the missing functions?

        • #6852

            I committed the path that add accessor methods, so builds for versions 48154+ will have it.

          • #6855

              Getters and setters section in PyRosetta documentation:

            • #6853

                Thanks for your (insanely) quick reply, Steven. Saved me some time and agony.

                Regarding generality, I don’t know how common this issue is among Rosetta objects. If it’s widespread, then IMHO objects missing basic getters *is* an issue (think debugging, or interactive PyRosetta).

              • #6854

                  Thanks, Sergey. I’m checking out the PyRosetta.develop dir right now.

                  Was that a specific oversight in MinMover, or a reoccurring theme?

                • #6857

                    I would guess our general getter-and-setter co-coverage is about 75%. I would guess the coverage of internal data that SHOULD be exposed via getters and setters (as opposed to only being available via constructor) is something like 33%. These are wild guesses…

                    They’re generally easy to write if you want to attack the problem!

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