Feedback for Loopmodeling module

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Feedback for Loopmodeling module

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    • #1579

        Working with Loop-modeling to rebuild some missing loops from crystal structures. I don’t see an issues tracking system for Rosetta, so I’m posting a couple of suggestions here:

        – The -override flag is required to continue running loopmodel when the out files are already present. Without this the program aborts with no error messages. Is it possible to add in clarification in the log file when this happens? Very difficult to debug for people who are learning.

        – The documentation for the frag_files arguments are incomplete. It is only by seeing a working copy that you find “none” should be put in the column corresponding to frag_size 1. Trial and error is okay, but I find this to be strange logic.

      • #8758

          Thanks for the suggestions!

          The issues tracking system for Rosetta is at

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