Generating Fragment Libraries for Metal Binding Proteins

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Generating Fragment Libraries for Metal Binding Proteins

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    • #750

        Hi All,

        I would really like to generate a fragment library from a metal binding peptide primary sequence (as in the metalloprotein_abrelax demo). I would like to generate a fragment library from a sequence like:


        Possibly using chemical shift libraries as in Wang et al. (Prediction of structures of zinc-binding proteins through explicit modeling of metal coordination geometry, 2010, Protein Science).

        Thanks! and all the best,


      • #7262

          Hi buzb,
          I don’t know if you have solved your problem, but to generate a fragments library is necessary to remove the metal and only specify the positions of residues in the chain. It worked for me.

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