have trouble with “relax” models

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General have trouble with “relax” models

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    • #417

        I use this command to do the refinment

        /home/bbarz/data/NIH/rosetta/rosetta++/rosetta.gcc64 aa seqt_.fasta _ -relax -farlx -s *.pdb -fa_input -fa_output -ex1 -ex2 -stringent_relax

        then, error happens:

        Starting structure: aaseqt0001
        trouble finding ./Rama_smooth_dyn.dat_ss_6.4
        trouble finding Rama_smooth_dyn.dat_ss_6.4
        trouble finding Rama_smooth_dyn.dat_ss_6.4
        ERROR:: Exit from: read_paths.cc line: 360

        What’s wrong with it? How can I fix it? Thank you very much!

      • #4317

          Looks like you’re missing your database flag. The score function is complaining that it doesn’t know how to do ramachandran scoring because it can’t find the ramachandran plot database files.

          You need -database to get it to work. The database should have been part of the tarball you got when you downloaded rosetta.

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