how same random seeds can be used in rosetta for mpi run.

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General how same random seeds can be used in rosetta for mpi run.

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    • #383


        As we know that Rosetta has different result on each run. Sometimes I would like to know the effect of some parameters from options and use same random seeds to see the changes in the result. But, I want to do same things on mpi run. If someone knows about it, please share me. I would deeply appreciate on it.



      • #4251

          The flag -constant_seed allows use of a set RNG seed (the default is 1111111 or something similar).

          The flag -jran allows you to pick a number for the RNG seed (-jran 429682, for example).

          With MPI, the head node gets the seed specified by jran, and other processors get jran + their MPI rank. This ensures they all have independent trajectories, but also means you know which seed they started with.

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