I have a .tab file. How do I extract information from it?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General I have a .tab file. How do I extract information from it?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #776

        What do I need to extract info from it? And is there any documentation on how to do so? =)

      • #4991

          I assume this is for ligand docking still. I’ve asked one of the relevant developers.

        • #4995

            Okie, prob solved. Open the .tab file which was generated from the silent.out file, then open the file using microsoft excel. Under the Data tab, choose Text to Columns. =)

          • #4992

              He doesn’t know what it is either. Where did it come from? What does it look like? Is it an atom tree diff file?

            • #4994

                Atomtree diff files are plain text, and final scores are recorded on the SCORES lines. These can be easily processed by scripts to select the best results. It can be useful to convert to a table of scores (CSV or equivalent) and do analysis in R; one could do the same in Excel, etc.

                Then the documentation gave an example:
                ~/mini/src/apps/public/ligand_docking/get_scores.py < 1t3r_silent.out > 1t3r_scores.tab

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