Information about “membrane_highres_Menv_smooth.wts”

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General Information about “membrane_highres_Menv_smooth.wts”

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    • #1043

        Hi there,
        I would like to use the weights membrane_highres_Menv_smooth.wts as it seems to be suitable for membrane proteins. Unfortunately I can’t find any further information, could anyone help me out? A paper or any other reference would be perfect.
        Many thanks

      • #6086

          I’m reasonably certain the author of the membrane code is Vladimir Yarov-Yarovoy. Here’s one of the older papers on membranes and Rosetta:

        • #6089

            Thanks for the quick answer!
            I found this paper before but I think the method there is for centroid structures. And according to the name “membrane_highres_Menv_smooth” should be for high resolution structures.
            There are also these papers:
            But unfortunately I can’t find out if and where “membrane_highres_Menv_smooth” is described.
            If there is no other reference can I assume that it works similar to the references above?

          • #6090

              I assume so, yes.

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