is it possbile to cluster pdb files?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General is it possbile to cluster pdb files?

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    • #680

        I found that rosetta could cluster the PDB files generated by rosetta itself(it generate information for PDB file which would be used during cluster). I have t thousands of PDB file generated from other program, and I am wondering is it possible for Rosetta to cluster them?
        Thank you very much.

      • #4640

          PDBs are PDBs, so long as they are valid PDB files Rosetta will try to cluster them. There isn’t anything special embedded in rosetta-created PDBs used in clustering that I’m aware of. Let me know if it works.

        • #4641

            > Hello:
            > I found that rosetta could cluster the PDB files generated by rosetta itself(it generate information for PDB file which would be used during cluster). I have t thousands of PDB file generated from other program, and I am wondering is it possible for Rosetta to cluster them?
            > Thank you very much.

            It doesn’t work. It is said:

            ERROR: ERROR:: Unable to open silent_input file: ‘folding.silent.out’

            I used the cluster protocol as following:

            -radius 7
            # default clustering radius is 3A
            # fiddling with the radius is the simplest way to vary the clustering
            #-input_score_filter 100
            # exclude structures above a given energy (in Rosetta Energy Units)
            #-limit_clusters 5
            # only retain largest N clusters
            # remove putative outlier from each cluster

            -silent folding.silent.out
            # the clustering executable accepts a set of pdbfiles, (-s *pdb)
            # a file containing a list of pdbfiles, or
            # a silentfile containing multiple structures
            #-native 1ubi.pdb
            # you may optionally include the native structure if it is known
            # for benchmarking purposes. It will calculate CaRMSD from native.
            -database /soft/rosetta3.1/database/
            # edit this path to point to your rosetta3 databases

            #-prefix aa
            #-path output # path where PDB output files will be written to, default ‘.’
            # if you specify a directory name here, it must exist
            #-nooutput # suppress output of pdbfile structures

            -mute # don’t show timing info

          • #4642

              Well, yes, it’s failing because you haven’t supplied the inputs. It’s right in the commentary (marked by #) under the flag with the same name as the error message.

              You need to get rid of the flag in-file-silent folding.silent.out, because you don’t have that input. Instead use -s (list your pdbs on the command line) or put the list of pdb inputs in a file called pdblist and do -l pdblist.

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