JobDistributor problem in antibody modeling

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications JobDistributor problem in antibody modeling

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    • #2183

        Hello everyone,

        I build Rosetta 2015.12 on Scientific Linux 7 (SL-7). And, I follow the protocol of RosettaAntibody3 to do antibody modeling. 


        When, I run the script of “” through following command as

        ./ –light-chain ./L_chain.fasta –heavy-chain ./H_chain.fasta –rosetta-bin /home/rosetta_2015_12/main/source/bin –rosetta-database /home/rosetta_2015_12/main/database –blast /home/ncbi-blast-2.2.30+/bin/blastp


        It can run protein blast and analyze six complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of antibody’s variable region (Fv). But, Rosetta terminate with an error as

        [ERROR] Exception caught by JobDistributor for job FR_0001CCDLoopClosureMover::get_anchors( core::conformation::Residue const & residue ): Residue is not a cutpoint variant! You must add cutpoint variants before applying this Mover.


        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: FR_0001 reported that its input was bad and will not retry

        protocols.jd2.FileSystemJobDistributor: job failed, reporting bad input; other jobs of same input will be canceled: FR_0001

        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: no more batches to process…

        protocols.jd2.JobDistributor: 1 jobs considered, 1 jobs attempted in 5 seconds

        caught exception 1 jobs failed; check output for error messages

        Rosetta run terminated with Error!

        Is this correct way to do antibody modeling? How should I do to solve this problem?

        Thanks for your kindly help.


      • #10974


          This has been a known issue with RosettaAntibody; however, a fix has been implemented into the Rosetta source about a week ago. Try the script next week and you should be good to go. In the meantime, antibody modeling can be accomplished through ROSIE:


        • #10983

            Hi Jared,

            Thank you for your kindly help. I will try ROSIE and new script.


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