Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General loop modeling

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    • #2243


        I am trying to mutate the residues of a loop using resfile but it seems that the rosetta doesn’t read the resfile at all. I checked this by adding a random sentence and ran the job, which ran perfectly but with native loop sequence. Here are the options which I used for loop modeling:

        flag file:

        -database /home/rosetta_mpi/rosetta_database
        -loops:remodel perturb_ccd
        -loops:refine refine_ccd
        -resfile resfile.txt
        -loops:input_pdb pA.pdb
        -loops:loop_file loopfile
        -loops:frag_sizes 9 3
        -loops:frag_files aat000_09_05.200_v1_3 aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
        -nstruct 10
        -in:file:native f_native.pdb

        loop file:
        LOOP 129 139 134 0 1

        resfile (with error):
        129-137 A PIKAA GS
        129 A PIKAA GS
        130 A PIKAA GS
        131 A PIKAA GS
        132 A PIKAA GS
        133 A PIKAA GS
        134 A PIKAA GS
        135 A PIKAA GS
        136 A PIKAA GS
        137 A PIKAA GS

        resfile (without error):
        129 A PIKAA GS
        130 A PIKAA GS
        131 A PIKAA GS
        132 A PIKAA GS
        133 A PIKAA GS
        134 A PIKAA GS
        135 A PIKAA GS
        136 A PIKAA GS
        137 A PIKAA GS

        Can anybody tell me what could be reason for not getting mutations according to resfile. I am using rosetta 3.4.

      • #11116

          It looks like the CCD method doesn’t allow mutation. (Which makes some sense, as the fragments used during CCD are sequence-specific.)

          If you use refine_kic instead, the resfile should be used for mutational purposes.

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