Member Site Forums Rosetta++ Rosetta++ – General make_fragment

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    • #558
      Grace Hopper

        i got this massage once try to run

        [hasni@localhost frag_phad]$ ./ -verbose -nohoms
        -nojufo -nosam phad_.fasta > phad.log
        Warning: can’t find executable file /home/hasni/fragment/jufo/molecule.exe!
        Warning: can’t find executable file
        Warning: can’t find executable file
        Warning: can’t find executable file /home/hasni/fragment/sam.predict-2nd/!
        Warning: can’t find executable file
        SyntaxWarning: local name ‘seq’ in ‘Make_full_alignment’ shadows use of
        ‘seq’ as global in nested scope ‘lambda’
        def Make_full_alignment( fasta_seq, align2query, full_seq ):
        psiblast_file= ss_blast round: 1 nseq: 76 max_e: 0.001
        psiblast_file= ss_blast round: 2 nseq: 419 max_e: 0.001
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “/home/hasni/fragment/rosetta_fragments/nnmake/”, line
        246, in ?
        align2query, full_seq = Read_psiblast( fasta_seq, psiblast_file,
        File “/home/hasni/fragment/rosetta_fragments/nnmake/”, line
        70, in Read_psiblast
        assert l[5] == ‘Expect’
        IndexError: list index out of range
        SyntaxWarning: local name ‘seq’ in ‘Make_full_alignment’ shadows use of
        ‘seq’ as global in nested scope ‘lambda’
        def Make_full_alignment( fasta_seq, align2query, full_seq ):
        psiblast_file= ss_blast round: 1 nseq: 76 max_e: 0.001
        psiblast_file= ss_blast round: 2 nseq: 419 max_e: 0.001
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        File “/home/hasni/fragment/rosetta_fragments/nnmake/”, line
        246, in ?
        align2query, full_seq = Read_psiblast( fasta_seq, psiblast_file,
        File “/home/hasni/fragment/rosetta_fragments/nnmake/”, line
        70, in Read_psiblast
        assert l[5] == ‘Expect’
        IndexError: list index out of range
        prof failed.
        [hasni@localhost frag_phad]$

        what’s wrong ?

      • #3944

          it looks that you did not install the requied software such as JuFo .

        • #3949
          Grace Hopper

            where can i download jufo?
            i went to the but nothing i can download

          • #3952
            Joanna Slusky

              The same problem. Can’t find where to download jufo and sam programs.

            • #3954
              Sally Ride


                I do not have those programs installed also. The very good solution is to run without them:
                ^ -nosam -nojufo -noprof -verbose prefix_.fasta^
                which requires only easy to get psipred.

                Then get SS predictions from any server or metaserver (I use of course GeneSilico MetaServer which gives SS preds from many different programs as well as simple consensus prediction).

                Edit 4-letter prefix_.psipred if You think that this secondary structure prediction is not correct,, carefully change the predicted secondary structure states as well as a confidence levels based on the external server results.

                You have to generate fragments again: First delete files looking like this:
                aaXXXX_03_05.200_v1_3 (3 aa fragments)
                aaXXXX_09_05.200_v1_3 (9 aa fragments)
                XXXX_.psipred_ss2 (ss in different format)

                Than run
                ^pNNMAKE.gnu aa 4-letter prefix _^

                This is potentially very good approach as you have total control on your starting SS preds, you can use many more external SS servers, and you do not need to install them locally.

                > The same problem. Can’t find where to download jufo and sam programs.
                > (:cry:)

              • #3956

                  Yes, Kosa is right that you can use -nojufo -nosam flag to get fragments generated without them. Robetta server was done due to limited resources. We will set up an other computer to run fragment server asap.

                  > Hi,
                  > I do not have those programs installed also. The very good solution is to run without them:
                  > ^ -nosam -nojufo -noprof -verbose prefix_.fasta^
                  > which requires only easy to get psipred.
                  > Then get SS predictions from any server or metaserver (I use of course GeneSilico MetaServer which gives SS preds from many different programs as well as simple consensus prediction).
                  > Edit 4-letter prefix_.psipred if You think that this secondary structure prediction is not correct,, carefully change the predicted secondary structure states as well as a confidence levels based on the external server results.
                  > You have to generate fragments again: First delete files looking like this:
                  > aaXXXX_03_05.200_v1_3 (3 aa fragments)
                  > aaXXXX_09_05.200_v1_3 (9 aa fragments)
                  > XXXX_.psipred_ss2 (ss in different format)
                  > Than run
                  > ^pNNMAKE.gnu aa 4-letter prefix _^
                  > This is potentially very good approach as you have total control on your starting SS preds, you can use many more external SS servers, and you do not need to install them locally.
                  > > The same problem. Can’t find where to download jufo and sam programs.
                  > > (:cry:)

                  • #3977

                      Does anyone know where to get SAM’s predict-2nd program for use with I can’t find it in the most recent releases of [|SAM]. Thanks.

                  • #3957
                    Grace Hopper

                      ok thanks,
                      its work


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