Modify and re-compile a single application in Rosetta

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install Modify and re-compile a single application in Rosetta

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    • #2077

        Hi all,

        I would like to make a change to the source code of a particular application – it’s a very minor, but necessary, change that should make the application more broadly applicable.

        However, having made the change in the .cc file – how would I go about recompiling the code so that it links to the rest of the Rosetta package, or is the simplest way just to recompile the whole package?

        Thanks in advance.


      • #10630

          I found that deleting the executable in the build/src/release/…./default/ folder and the alias in the bin/ folder and then rerunning scons works fine – it just recompiles the modified executable.

          If there is a better way, please do let me know.



        • #10633

            Just run SCons as you normally would – no need to even delete the old binaries. SCons’s job is to determine what needs recompiling and efficiently recompile only that.

          • #10638

              Thanks smlewis – that works also.


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