Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Build/Install mpi mode problem

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    • #1390

        Hey everyone, I’m trying to compile in mpi mode on a cluster. I used:
        ./ bin mode=release extra=mpi

        After entering the command, it gave me this error:
        Running versioning script … fatal: Not a git repository

        But the compiling went on well and gave me “scons: done building targets.” at the end.

        However, when I checked the executable in the rosetta/resetta_source/bin folder, I didn’t find any executable with mpi in it. The executables all ends with .linuxgccrelease or .default.linuxgccrelease. From previous posts, I thought I should get executables with mpi in it.

        Can anyone give me some suggestions?

      • #7719

          try extras=mpi. (note the s in extras).

        • #7720

            Morning, Smith. I corrected the error and tried build following the instructions here: This time the build went well, except always giving me this message:
            g++: -rpath: linker input file unused because linking not done
            g++: /opt/apps/limic2/0.5.4//lib: linker input file unused because linking not done
            The build was done with “scons: done building targets” and now there are both .linuxgccrelease and .mpi.linuxgccrelease executables in rosetta/rosetta_source/bin. I tried to run in mpi mode, but it ended with errors.
            My guess is scons is not linked to mpiCC from the message? Do you have any suggestions?

          • #7721

              “g++: -rpath: linker input file unused because linking not done
              g++: /opt/apps/limic2/0.5.4//lib: linker input file unused because linking not done”

              I have no idea what these mean.

              “I tried to run in mpi mode, but it ended with errors.”

              What errors? Did you use mpirun or your system’s equivalent?

            • #7723

                I just found out the error was caused by some invisible characters in the running script for my system. Stupid mistake! Now it runs well. It seems these messages “g++: -rpath: linker input file unused because linking not done
                g++: /opt/apps/limic2/0.5.4//lib: linker input file unused because linking not done” don’t affect the compiling.
                Thank you very much for your help, Smith!

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