Wow, thank you! This is very welcome!
Up to now I’ve been using pyrosetta on windows via a mint linux virtual machine. By using remote IPython notebooks and PyMolMover it is almost like using pyrosetta locally. But a native build is soo much better, faster and with less memory overhead.
I can confirm that the build works under WinPython-64bit- as well as Anaconda-64bit-2.7. There is one minor issue, as I don’t have a standard python installation in C:Python2.7, the install program could not call easy_setup. But I used the innosetuo unpacker and installed pyrosetta manually, which works nicely.
Out of curiosity (so that I can retire my virtual machine), will there be regular winx64 releases or is this a one-off, like v.2.011?
There is still a large potential user base for scientific computing on windows (as can be seen by VMDs user growth, once it has been ported to windows in 2000), so I hope pyrosetta for windows will be sucessfull as well.