problem with fixed_membrane option of membrane abinitio

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications problem with fixed_membrane option of membrane abinitio

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    • #1498

        Hi to all

        I want the models of membrane abinitio in the same membrane center vector and membrane normal vector, so I used the option -membrane:fixed_membrane to get the center at [0,0,0] and membrane normal in the z-axis

        I use this arguments to run “membraneabinitio”::

        -in:file:fasta ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.fasta
        -in:file:frag3 ../rosetta_inputs/aat000_03_05.200_v1_3
        -in:file:frag9 ../rosetta_inputs/aat000_09_05.200_v1_3
        -in:file:spanfile ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.span
        -in:file:lipofile ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.lips4
        -membrane:normal_start_angle 0
        -membrane:normal_delta_angle 5
        -membrane:normal_max_angle 5
        -increase_cycles 0.05
        -out:nstruct 3
        -out:file:silent cterm_silent.out
        -out:file:silent_struct_type binary
        -mute core.scoring.MembranePotential
        -database ${ROSETTA}/rosetta_database

        and later I get the pdbs from the binary output with “score” using this arguments:

        -in:file:fasta ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.fasta
        -in:file:silent cterm_silent.out
        -in:file:silent_struct_type binary
        -in:file:spanfile ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.span
        -in:file:lipofile ../rosetta_inputs/cterm.lips4
        -score:weights score_membrane.wts
        -out:nstruct 1
        -database ${ROSETTA}/rosetta_database
        -nstruct 1

        But the output log give me this kind of results::

        core.scoring.MembranePotential: MembraneCenter 17.593 5.919 -5.684
        core.scoring.MembranePotential: MembraneNormal -0.440 -0.400 0.804
        core.scoring.MembranePotential: ATOM 9999 X MEM A 999 17.593 5.919 -5.684
        core.scoring.MembranePotential: ATOM 9999 Y MEM A 999 10.986 -0.077 6.374
        core.scoring.MembranePotential: ATOM 9999 Z MEM A 999 24.199 11.915 -17.74

        What I did wrong to have this??

        Thx in advance

      • #8317

          A) I don’t know enough (really I don’t know anything) about membrane abinitio – why does that output concern you? It looks like some sort of membrane virtual atom.

          B) Are the PDBs okay or not? If you are going to extract _all_ the PDBs, there’s no reason to do the separate score app step at all – just remove the -out:file:silent flags from the first list of arguments and it ought to output PDBs instead.

        • #8324

            A) I put unnecessary information of the stdout
            but the important are these lines

            core.scoring.MembranePotential: MembraneCenter 17.593 5.919 -5.684
            core.scoring.MembranePotential: MembraneNormal -0.440 -0.400 0.804

            With the argument fixed_membrane the membrane center should be 0 0 0 and not 17.593 5.919 -5.684

            B) I dont have problem with the PDBs output :)

          • #8325

              I can’t tell if it’s a problem or not; I’ve asked the author for advice.

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