Rosetta Dock with MPI / PBS

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    • #1398

        Hello, again.

        I have another (hopefully simple) question regarding rosetta, specifically RosettaDock.

        I have compiled rosetta3.4 with MPI support (thanks smlewis!), and am trying to run a test docking job to ensure it is working. This cluster uses PBS as the scheduler.

        My PBS script is as follows:

        #PBS -l select=2:mpiprocs=4:ncpus=4
        #PBS -q nopreempt
        #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00
        #PBS -j oe

        module load mpich2-intel/1.3

        cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR

        flags=”-s $pdb -dock_pert 3 8 -spin -ex1 -ex2aro -nstruct 25 -mute -out:file:scorefile $outfile -out:file:fullatom -mute”

        mpiexec -np 8 $rbin/docking_protocol.mpi.linuxiccrelease $flags –database $rdb/ > rosetta_output

        When I submit this to the queue, I get the following error in return:

        Job is running on node(s):

        lc5-compute-3-43 lc5-compute-4-45

        ERROR: Option matching -p4wd not found in command line top-level context
        mpiexec: Warning: task 0 exited before completing MPI startup.
        mpiexec: Warning: task 1 was never spawned due to earlier errors.

        I have looked for the past few hours, and have not seen any instance of the flag -p4wd anywhere. I also tried running:

        mpiexec -np 8 $rbin/docking_protocol.mpi.linuxiccrelease -help

        and get the same error.

        I am forgetting / overlooking something simple?

        Thanks again for all of your help!

      • #7759

          Apparently PBS (or mpiexec) is injecting -p4wd into Rosetta’s options list. The ERROR line is the standard message for non-existent options.

          Very brief googling suggests that PBS/mpiexec/MPI are not playing well together (in other words, it’s probably not something I can fix).

          Here’s one thing to try: try running docking_protocol.mpi.linuxiccrelease with no options and no mpiexec. You should get some sort of error about an uninitialized MPI (I think).

          Also try this: try mpirun instead of mpiexec. I don’t know the difference, but I do know that I always use the former and not the latter. (I don’t know if this is even possible or sensible to suggest).

        • #7760

            Thanks for the quick reply (again).

            Your statement about mpiexec injecting the -p4wd flag into the options list made me double check that the MPI libraries were correct. They weren’t. I had to add one additional flag and now everything is playing nice, and running smoothly.

            In the event that this may help someone in the future (although I think it is pretty specific to this cluster) here is the mpiexec command that worked:

            mpiexec -np 8 -comm mpich2-pmi $rbin/docking_protocol.mpi.linuxiccrelease $flags –database $rdb/ > rosetta_output

            Thanks again for all of your help. As someone relativly new to Rosetta, this is a fantastic resource.

          • #7761

              Just for comparison, my job submissions look something like this:

              bsub -q day -n 10 -J $cwd -o log.%J -B -N -a mvapich mpirun /path/to/rosetta/bin/mpi_msd.mpi.linuxgccrelease @options

              So, yeah, different formats for different clusters.

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