Running RosettaHoles2

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – Applications Running RosettaHoles2

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    • #1515

        Can anyone provide straightforward instructions on how to get RosettaHoles2 to run?

        From digging around the forums here it seems that it was included in 3.2 but undocumented, dropped in 3.3, planned to be included in 3.4, but wasn’t. From what I can tell some functionality is available in RosettaScripts, but it’s undocumented and unclear if it’s Holes or Holes2. Some unreleased files were emailed to one user who may have gotten it to work in 3.4. Instructions on how to use it with 3.2 may have been emailed by the author to one user.

        We’re now 2.5 years out from RosettaHoles2 being published and a subsequent publication by Read et al. (PMID 22000512) in 2011 by the author suggests that the crystallographic community use RosettaHoles2 to validate their structural models. That’s a reasonable suggestion given the presumed utility of RosettaHoles2, but difficult to follow if the author needs to get in touch with each one via email on a) how to install it and b) how to run it.

        So, can someone please instruct on how to install RosettaHoles2 and run it with an eye towards broader community use?

        Thanks in advance.

      • #8406

          I have brought your plea to Will Sheffler…if I knew how to use Holes or Holes2 I’d love to write the documentation, but I’ve never used them.

        • #8407

            Ok, thanks for passing on. And thanks for the very quick response.

          • #8418

              Any news on this?

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