should rosetta3.1 do prepacking before docking?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General should rosetta3.1 do prepacking before docking?

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    • #397

        I switched from rosetta2.3 to rosetta3.1 recently and I found that flags are changed in the new edition. I used to do prepacking before docking in rosetta2.3, should I do the same thing in rosetta3.1? Also, I used to do both perturbative docking and ensemble docking using rosetta2.3, could I do the same kind of thing using rosetta3.0?

        Anyone knows the answers? Please share with me and I really appreciate that. Thanks a lot.

      • #4297

          The prepacking flag is docking:dock_ppk. It’s not clear to me, but it may be that you have to run prepacking as a separate job before your regular run.

        • #4298

            I know that in rosetta2.3, I have to do prepacking before regular run. Is the prepacking step still necessary in rosetta3.1? Could I just do full atom docking without that step? Thanks a lot.

            > I switched from rosetta2.3 to rosetta3.1 recently and I found that flags are changed in the new edition. I used to do prepacking before docking in rosetta2.3, should I do the same thing in rosetta3.1? Also, I used to do both perturbative docking and ensemble docking using rosetta2.3, could I do the same kind of thing using rosetta3.0?
            > Anyone knows the answers? Please share with me and I really appreciate that. Thanks a lot.

          • #4302

              It’s not a question of whether or not you “have to” for the sake of the program – it’s a question of the quality of the results. Rosetta3 will allow you to not prepack but it’s probably a good idea. Try it without and see if you like the results; if not try again with it.

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