The Beta version of PyRosetta 2.0 is ready for download!

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    • #745

        Hi Everyone!

        The Beta version of PyRosetta 2.0 is ready for download, here is a brief summary of changes:

        Approximately 4x more C++ namespace are bound.
        All classes now have proper base classes.
        Various usability improvements: better help, better error detection, etc.
        Build system has been completely reworked. Supports parallel builds. Beta support for Clang++.
        Build bases on Rosetta 3.2 release code (also available soon!).

        Binaries for the following platforms are ready for download:
        Mac OS X 10.6 (64Bit)
        Scientific Linux (64Bit)
        Ubuntu Linux distributions (32/64Bit)

        For more information and download links please see:


      • #4853

          Does this version require Rosetta 3.2, and if so do you have an estimated date when it will be released?

          • #4854

              No to the first, and I don’t know to the second.

          • #4855

              This version of PyRosetta uses Rosetta3.2 libs. But as Steven mentioned it does not require any additional downloads.

            • #4903


                I downloaded and tried to use the Mac version, but I get this error:

                Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Mar 20 2010, 11:39:18)
                [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646) (dot 1)] on darwin
                Type “help”, “copyright”, “credits” or “license” for more information.
                >>> from rosetta import *
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                File ““, line 1, in
                File “rosetta/”, line 11, in

                import utility
                File “rosetta/utility/”, line 1, in

                from __utility_all_at_once_ import *
                ImportError: dlopen(rosetta/utility/, 2): no suitable image found. Did find:
                rosetta/utility/ mach-o, but wrong architecture

                Which is the right Python/GCC configuration that was used to compile PyRosetta?

                Thanks, have a nice day

                • #4904

                    I have copied your post to the build/install subforum.

                  • #4911


                  • #4910

                      Hello. Are the constraints related functions implemented in PyRosetta 2.Beta? Can anyone help me about how to introduce a customized constraint? I need to introduce a constraint for the angle between two NON-consecutive bonds.
                      Thanks in advance for any help, have a nice day!

                    • #4912

                        You may be able to define a series of AtomPairConstraints to have the same effect as the angle constraints – if you know the length of three sides of a triangle, then the angle is known as well. Does that make sense?

                        • #4917

                            I may try that, but my problem is more technical: how do I define in PyRosetta a constraint?
                            Thanks a lot for any help

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