What is the difference between F and S labeled decoys?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General What is the difference between F and S labeled decoys?

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #1705

        I am using rosetta 3.4 and in one case I got decoys labeled F_00000**** and in other cases they are labeled S_0000*****. What is the implication of this labeling?

      • #9249

          If this is from the abrelax application, then I believe the “S” stands for “Success”, “F” is for failure of filters, “C” would be failure of loop closure, “X” would be failure of both loop closure and filters, and “P” would be for some other problem in the abrelax protocol.

          Filters here would be the radius of gyration, contact order, and sheet filters, as well as other experimental evidence based filters (PDDF, SAXS), if applicable.

        • #9253

            Thanks. That’s very helpful in my analysis.

          • #9254

              Thanks rmoretti. That’s very helpful in my analysis.

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