why not scoring function in loop model?

Member Site Forums Rosetta 3 Rosetta 3 – General why not scoring function in loop model?

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    • #733

        I used the loop protocol to generate ab int loop and I found that there is no scoring information for the loop models and I don’t know how to judge which one would be the best one. Could you please give me some advices? Here is my flag parameters:

        -database /soft/rosetta3.1/rosetta_database
        -input_pdb gbss.pdb
        -loop_file gbss.loops
        -frag_sizes 9 3 1
        -frag_files /home/librahoo/Desktop/GBSS1_loop_refine/gb/aagbss109_05.200_v1_3 /home/librahoo/Desktop/GBSS1_loop_refine/gb/aagbss103_05.200_v1_3 none
        -remodel quick_ccd
        #-refine refine_ccd
        -nstruct 100
        -prefix a1
        #-mute core.util.prof

      • #4805

          If it didn’t put scores in your output PDBs, and it didn’t put scores in a scorefile, then you can generate scores with the score app (score.cc, score.???release). It will load the PDBs and print scores for you. It’s quite fast.

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